April 2019 (8) Candygrams

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Sunday, April 28, 2019---The Final Curtain

Trojan Candy had an excellent seat in Bovard Auditorium for Dr. Bartner's "The Final Curtain." There was no one sitting in front of me, so I could see the entire stage. A nearby Trojan turned off the "click" on my camera so that I could take pictures without bothering any nearby patrons.

Band tuning
The orchestral band was tuning for "The Final Curtain."
Arthur Bartner
Dr. Art Bartner greeted the audience from the screen on the stage.
Star Spangled Banner
Dr. Bartner directed the Concert Band in the "Star Spangled Banner."
Starting picture
As "The Great Gate of Kiev" by Modest Mussorgsky was performed by the Concert Band, the "Pictures at an Exhibition" came alive and transformed from this...
Ending picture
...to this!
Felipe Prado
Tenor Felipe Prado sang "Bring Him Home" from "Les Miserables."
David Washburn
Then, "Trumpet Concerto" by Johann Hummel featuring USC Alumnus David Washburn was performed next.
Dennis McNeil, Eduardo Villa and Marco Labastida
The last selection before intermission was "The 3 Tenors" Melody featuring Dennis McNeil, Eduardo Villa and Marco Labastida.
Dennis McNeil, Eduardo Villa and Marco Labastida
The 3 Tenors were magnificient! Check out their video.
Stars and Stripes Forever
The first selection after the intermission was "Stars and Stripes Forever."
Flutes and piccolo
The flutes and piccolo were featured.
Barbara Morrison
Jazz artist Barbara Morrison was next on the program.
Barbara Morrison
Barbara performed "Ella: The First Lady of Song."
Lucy Grebin, Austin Karkowsky, Tristan McIntyre and Cole Slater
USC School of Dramatic Arts students/alumni Lucy Grebin, Austin Karkowsky, Tristan McIntyre and Cole Slater sang songs from "Hamilton."
Sal Lozano
The renowned Sal Lozano was next on the program.
Sal Lozano
Sal played "Sing, Sing, Sing" with a clarinet.
Concert Band Alumni
The final piece was Movement 1 of the "First Suite in E flat: Chaccone" by Gustav Holst that featured the Concert Band Alumni.
Conquest and Fight On
The concert wasn't over yet! The Spirit of Troy Marching Band, Silks and Song Girls played "Conquest" and "Fight On" as they marched into the Bovard Auditorium.
Pep Rally finale
The Concert Band members joined the Marching Band in the Pep Rally finale.
The Spirit of Troy performed "Heartbreaker" featuring the Song Girls.

TuskThe Spirit of Troy finished with "Tusk."

What a rousing finale!

FIGHT ON, USC Concert Band, Spirit of Troy and Dr. Arthur C. Bartner!

Trojan Candy proceeded to the Reception outside.

At the reception, Dr. Bartner greeted the donors.

Barbara and Art Bartner
Then Art presented the beautiful flowers that he received at the concert to his wife Barbara.
Barbara and Art Bartner
He finished with a kiss.
TGLA members
Trojan Candy gathered fellow TGLA members who attended "The Final Curtain" concert and reception.

What a memorable day!