April 2018 (7) Candygrams

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Tuesday, April 24, 2018---Pac-12 Men's Golf Championship Day 2

My husband Jim went to volunteer at the Men's Pac-12 Golf Championship Tournament at the Rolling Hills Country Club again. He was assigned to Hole 10 as a spotter.

Jim Yee
Jim took my camera with him today and took a selfie. In the left background is the tee box for Hole 10.
To the right of his spotter location is a gully trap.
Ryan Slater
Jim took pictures of five of the six USC golfers taking their second stroke on this par five hole. Here is Ryan Slater.
Issei Tanabe
Issei Tanabe.
Kyle Suppa
Kyle Suppa.
Kaito Onishi
Kaito Onishi hit his first ball into the rough across the fairway from Jim's spotter location.

While searching across the way in the rough for the Kaito Onishi's ball, Jim missed taking pictures of Cheng Jin.

Justin Suh
He did catch Justin Suh.
Pac-12 team banners
Per my request, Jim took pictures of the Pac-12 team banners at the clubhouse entrance.
SC banner
And a closeup of the SC banner.

ScoreboardBefore leaving for the day, Jim took a picture of the scoreboard at the Club House. Our Trojans were still in first place!

FIGHT ON, USC Men's Golf!

Monday, April 23, 2018---Pac-12 Men's Golf Tournament

Candy YeeUSC hosted the Pac-12 Men's Golf Championship Tournament at the Rolling Hills Country Club. My husband Jim and I were able to volunteer at the tournament. It was pretty neat. The Pac-12 gave us nice grey shirts that had Pac-12 and SC/RH emblems on it.

Outside the Club House there was a large screen showing each team and their tournament ranking that was broadcast on the Pac 12 Network. Unfortunately, Trojan Candy didn't bring my camera, because we were told that we would have to continually take the tally sheets back to the Club House. Unbelievable! Trojan Candy without her camera. I did have my cellphone though.

Big screen
I took a picture of our USC Men's Golf Team on the big screen.
Next, I took a picture of the Team Leaderboard. Our Trojans were currently in 1st place!
USC banner
As Jim and I walked to our assigned Hole 3, we saw a USC banner lining the walkway.
Then we walked by the Driving Range.
Hole 3
Here is Hole 3.

We made it to our station at Hole 3. There was a table with snacks in a basket and an ice chest filled with bottles of water and Gatorade. Our volunteer job was to pass out the snacks and drinks to each of the 81 golfers who represented each of the Pac 12 schools. Jim and I made ourselves comfortable and sat in the chairs that were provided for us. We watched the golfers come in groups of threes representing three different teams. Then, as they finished Hole 3, we offered them water and snacks.

Finally, our Trojans came to Hole 3. We were plaaying with California and Arizona.

Ryan Slater
After Ryan Slater finished the hole, Trojan Candy took his picture.
Issei Tanabe
Our second USC golfer was Issei Tanabe. Trojan Candy is not used to taking pictures with my phone. Unfortunately, my thumb got in the way.
Kyle Suppa
Kyle Suppa, our third golfer, getting ready to putt his ball into the hole.
Kyle Suppa
Then, I took Kyle's picture.
Kaito Onishi
The fourth USC golfer, Kaito Onishi, studied the green.
Kaito Onishi
After making his putt, Kaito had a big smile for me.
Cheng Jin
Cheng Jin, our fifth golfer, made his putt.
Cheng Jin
Sorry, my fingers got in the way again when I took Cheng's picture.
Chris Zambri
A familiar face came to say hello. USC Golf Coach Chris Zambri stopped to talk with Jim and Trojan Candy.

We told Coach Zambri that we sure miss seeing him at Heritage Hall when we volunteered weekly. We also told him that almost every golfer was very nice and thanked us for volunteering.

Justin Suh
Justin Suh was our last USC golfer. He had a tough third shot from the rough.
Justin Suh
Justin made this putt.
Justin Suh
Then, Justin grabbed his golf bag and stopped to smile for this picture.

Justin had quite an entourage as he walked away from Hole 3.

Team leaderboardWhen our volunteer day was over, we got a ride back to the Club House. There, Trojan Candy took a picture of the current standings. Our USC was at the top of the leader board!

FIGHT ON, Ryan, Issei, Kyle, Kaito, Cheng and Justin!

FIGHT ON, USC Men's Golf!

Saturday, April 21, 2018---Trojan Candy Meets a Tennis Legend!

While sitting in the Mark's Tennis stadium waiting for the USC Men's tennis match versus Utah to begin, Trojan Candy saw a familiar face. He was one of my favorite tennis players ever!

Andre AgassiI walked over to talk to Andre Agassi. He was so nice....he smiled at me. We talked about his son Jaden committing to play baseball at USC in 2020. A future FIGHT ON, Jaden!

After telling Andre that I am a retired teacher, we talked about the charter school that Andre founded in Las Vegas to prepare local children to be college and career ready. What a tremendous project.

When I asked him if he plays tennis anymore, Andre said that he doesn't play at all any more.

Trojan Candy can't believe that I actually spoke to a "Legend."