September 2016 (1) Candygrams

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Thursday, September 1, 2016---Downtown Dallas and a Reception Too

The four of us---my sister Patti, my brother-in-law Dudley, my husband Jim and I---had a nice breakfast at the Residence Inn in Arlington before we left for downtown Dallas.

Downtown Dallas skyline
Here is a picture of the Dallas skyline that I took from our moving car. There was not much traffic at 10:00 a.m.
Cheap parking
After parking our car in an unbelievably inexpensive lot, we walked toward our destination, the Sixth Floor Museum.
The Dallas Morning News
On the way, Trojan Candy took pictures of The Dallas Morning News,
Hyatt Regency
the Hyatt Regency which served as USC Weekender Central,
Old Red Museum
and the Old Red Museum of Dallas County.
George Dealey statue
In Dealey Plaza is this statue of George Dealey, a civic leader and publisher of The Dallas Morning News.

Old Texas School Book Depository BuildingDealey plaza was completed in 1940 to preserve the birth of Dallas. It is located across from the old Texas School Book Depository Building that is on the corner of Houston Street and Elm Street.

Trojan Candy could not believe that I was standing across from the old Texas School Book Depository Building. From the sixth floor window circled in yellow, Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly shot and killed President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. I was a teenager living in my home town Houston, Texas, on that day. President and Mrs. Kennedy had just visited Houston that morning and then flew to Dallas. History, as well as much emotion, appeared before my eyes.

Sixth Floor MuseumThe Sixth Floor Museum now occupies the top two stories of the Old Texas School Book Depository Building. Much to my chagrin, no pictures were allowed on the sixth floor. Suffice it to say, we four spent four hours taking a self-guided tour of the sixth and seventh floors. Each of us was given an audio player that described what was shown in each exhibit. What an historical experience!

View from seventh floorLuckily, Trojan Candy could take pictures on the seventh floor. I walked to the corner window one flight above the sixth floor corner where Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly shot President Kennedy. This is what he saw, and I imagined.

The Presidential motorcade came toward me on Houston Street at about 20 mph and then turned left (my right) in front of me on Elm Street. The motorcade proceeded west on Elm Street.

View from seventh floorAs the motorcade continued west, Lee Harvey Oswald shot three rounds from the 6th floor window. The first shot missed, the second shot hit President Kennedy in the neck, and the third shot fatally wounded him in the head. If you look carefully inside the red circle of my picture, you might see a white X on the street marking the location of the limousine for the first shot. In a later picture from the street, you can see the white X better.

The seventh floor had many artifacts from the 1960 Presidential election. Here are two of them.

Campaign literature and buttons
Kennedy and Nixon campaign literature and buttons
State by state results
A summary of the 1960 Electoral and Popular vote.
Abraham Zapruder
After we finished touring on the seventh floor, we went outside to walk along Elm Street. Trojan Candy saw this sign about Abraham Zapruder. He was the only person to film the entire assassination.
Zapruder plinth
Jim is standing on the plinth (pedestal) where Zapruder was filming.
X on the street
Here is the "X" spot on the street.
X on the street
Jim is pointing at the "X", and you might see the boxes of books that hid Oswald on the sixth floor.

Grassy KnollThe last location I photographed was the Grassy Knoll which is to the left in the previous picture. There are conspiracy theories that there was a second shooter firing a fourth shot from behind the fence on this Grassy Knoll. Although the Warren Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, it is still doubted by many people.

Sandy Johnston, Gaston Escamilla, Rex Johnston, Elliott Schwartz, Jim Yee, Dudley and Patti Poon, Cheryl Schwartz, and Trojan CandyAfter leaving the grassy knoll, the four of us crossed Elm Street to Dealey Plaza. There, Trojan Candy saw many familiar faces. We saw fellow TGLA members Sandy Johnson, Cheryl Schwartz and their husbands. A fellow tourist took this picture of us standing across the street from the Sixth Floor Museum. Trojan Candy decided to include myself in this picture. Back row: Sandy Johnston, Gaston Escamilla, Rex Johnston, Elliott Schwartz, Jim Yee. Front row: Dudley and Patti Poon, Cheryl Schwartz, Trojan Candy.

After saying goodbye to our friends, we walked to catch a free ride on the D Link bus. It's a pink bus.

Iron Cactus
We went to the USC Rossier School of Education reception at the Iron Cactus restaurant.
Patti Poon and Doris and Mel Hughes
Before we went inside to the reception, we saw two very good friends, Doris and Mel Hughes.
Reception sign
The Rossier reception was on the second floor.
Karen Gallagher
At the Iron Cactus, Patti and I spoke with Dean Karen Gallagher and gave her a USC scarf.
Jim Yee and Pat Gallagher
Jim spoke with Karen's husband Pat Gallagher.
Walt Green and Rachel Beal
There were good appetizers, drinks and interesting conversation. Friend Walt Green posed with Rachel Beal, Director of Major Gifts.
Matt DeGrushe and Carla Wohl
Trojan Candy met two more Rossier staff members. Director of Alumni Engagement Matt DeGrushe and Associate Dean of External Relations Carla Wohl.
Sally and Tom Edwards, Patti Poon, and Karen Gallagher
The last reception picture was of Patti with her friends Sally and Tom Edwards and Dean Karen. Patti and Sally worked together on the 50th Reunion Committee.

Thank you, Dean Karen, for the nice reception.

D'Arcy and Devon McLeod and Patti PoonBefore catching the D Link bus back to our car, I went into a local CVS to try to buy some bananas. Inside, I saw another TGLA friend, D'Arcy McLeod. She posed with Patti and her daughter Devon.

What a memorable day of sightseeing and visiting with USC friends.