USC TGLA 2023 (3) Candygrams

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Tuesday, September 5, 2023---Meet USC TGLA Scholar Sophia Perez

headshotSophia Perez, who is from Los Angeles, “...chose USC because of the interdisciplinary nature of their academics, the plethora of pre-law opportunities and professional development, and the robust student life on campus. As a first generation college student, I knew I needed to attend a university that would adequately prepare me for life beyond college. With this in mind, as well as my aspirations for becoming a lawyer, USC became the perfect choice for me. As a Political Science major, with double minors in Economics and Legal Studies, as well as a pre-professional emphasis in pre-Law, the interdisciplinary nature of Dornsife encouraged me to explore all of my passions, while simultaneously pairing my studies with experiential and service learning opportunities to adequately prepare me for a career in law and public service. Yet, even beyond the extensive academics and professional network, USC's lively campus environment, frequent athletic events, and diverse student body more than lived up to their expectations, and have truly shaped both my experience as an undergraduate and my perspective of the world beyond.”

Are you a member of any USC organizations? Officer? Do you attend USC cultural or athletic events? On campus, I am the Executive Director of the Political Student Assembly, where we program bipartisan events to promote political education and civic engagement for students and community members. I am also a First-Gen Student Mentor; the Director of Public Relations for the Latino Student Assembly; a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion lead for USC's Dornsife Ambassadors; and a Lifeguard at the USC pool!

What profession will you choose after you graduate from USC? I am currently applying to law school with the intention of matriculating in Fall 2024. After attending law school, I hope to become a practicing attorney, advocating for minorities and underserved populations in the field of civil rights law.

Here are more personal questions that Sophia answered:

What is your favorite movie? The Sound of Music

Where have you traveled? What is your favorite location? Last spring break, my roommate and I traveled to Europe to visit our friend studying abroad. This was my first time leaving the country and I had the most wonderful experience. We visited both Madrid, Spain and Lisbon, Portugal.

Hobbies? I love to bake different cookies and breads for my family and friends.

Any other personal information about yourself? I am a first-gen, half-Mexican, half-Cuban student and I have lived in California (specifically Los Angeles) for my entire life!

So nice to meet USC TGLA Scholar Sophia Perez!

Keep Fighting On!

Tuesday, September 5, 2023---Meet USC TGLA Scholar Sabrina Jahan

headshotSabrina Jahan is a native of Los Angeles studying Business Administration with an emphasis in Finance and a minor in the Entertainment Industry.

She is very proud that both her mother and uncle are alumni of USC.

Sabrina wrote, “Upon graduation, I will be working in Investment Banking at Intrepid Investment Bankers.” She has her future planned already!

In answering my next questions, which were as follows: Are you a member of any USC organizations? Officer? Do you attend USC cultural or athletic events? Sabrina wrote, “At USC, I am part of the USC TAMID business club, I am involved in the Marshall Entertainment Association and Chabad at USC.”

More personally, Sabrina wrote: “One of my favorite movies is Billy Wilder’s Sabrina (my namesake), my favorite artist is Elvis Presley, and the most beautiful place I have ever traveled is the Philippines. I love to read, sing, draw, and love the beach.”

So nice to meet you, Sabrina!

Keep Fighting On!

Tuesday, September 5, 2023---Meet USC TGLA Scholar Antonia Felix

headshotFirst off, I am from Redondo Beach, California. I personally chose USC because of the welcoming and loving environment that prevails in the Trojan Family. I had been to USC football games ever since I was a little kid, and I distinctly remember attending a USC versus Notre Dame game, the notorious rivalry game. I remember the loudness and Trojan pride that rang throughout the Coliseum, and, from that moment on, I had my sights set on becoming a student here. My uncle and two cousins attended the University so it runs in the Felix family.

I am currently majoring in Human Biology. I plan on pursuing a career in the medical field after graduating from USC, whether that is through becoming an MD or PA. The exact path I will be on is yet to be discovered as I finish my MCAT studies and further analyze my future goals. You can always find me at USC athletic events. I love attending the football games here in the Coliseum and am passionate about attending volleyball games as well. More specifically, I love attending the beach volleyball games because my roommate is on the team...not to mention they are 3x National Champions!!!

I am also a part of USC Science Outreach (SCOUT) where we go and teach weekly science lessons to students at the neighboring elementary schools to USC.

Now, even more personally, Antonia answered more of my questions:

My favorite movie is an old one, Grease!

Currently, my favorite TV show is Grey's Anatomy, and my favorite musical artist is Morgan Wallen.

Where have you traveled? What is your favorite location? I have traveled to a couple of small places, but by far my favorite was my trip to St. Martin and St. Barths in 2021. The water was so blue, and it was cool seeing the mix of both the French and Dutch cultures in one place. I have a trip planned this coming winter to visit the Bahamas with my boyfriend because his dad grew up there, and I am ecstatic to go.

I love to just be up and active as much as I can. I think exercising the body is just as important as exercising the mind in college, so I love to get exercise anyway I can. Usually I stick to Pilates because of the core aspect to it, but I also love a casual trip to the gym. Moreover, I enjoy being at the beach as much as possible and hanging out with my friends at our favorite spot in Hermosa Beach.

So nice to meet you, Antonia!

Keep Fighting On!

Tuesday, September 5, 2023---Meet USC TGLA Scholar Alyssa Schonborn

AlyssaAlyssa Schonborn, who is from Downey, told me why she chose USC: “USC has been my dream school since I was a little girl. I attended the football games long before I could walk, and every time I came to campus I felt such pride and happiness and the greatest sense of peace. Amidst the chaos of each game day, my parents took my sister and me around the school, and, every time, I fell more in love. As I grew older and began to research colleges, USC stayed at the top of my list. The incredibly vibrant campus life, world renowned academics, incredible resources and opportunities, and the world famous Trojan Family were the reasons why USC was always my first choice. People are proud to be Trojans, and it was something I always admired and loved about their alumni. I pinch myself everyday wondering when I’m going to wake up from my dream! I am so thankful to be here at USC, seizing as many opportunities as I can and being a part of the Trojan family – it is a place like no other!”

Do you have any relatives who also attended USC? Yes! My father got his Masters in Planning and Public Administration from USC in 2000.

What is your Major and Minor? Double major in Health & Human Science and Communication.

What profession will you choose after you graduate from USC? Dentistry! I would love to pursue pediatric dentistry or orthodontics.

Are you a member of any USC organizations? Officer? USC Pre-Dental Honor Society (Delta Delta Sigma) and USC Panhellenic (Gamma Phi Beta). I am currently serving as Director of Recruitment Counselors on the USC Panhellenic Executive Board.

Do you attend USC cultural or athletic events? I never miss a football game!

Where have you traveled? What is your favorite location? Internationally, I have traveled to England, Italy, France, and Mexico. I have been to 8 states in the US. My favorite location abroad is Paris, and my favorite places in the US are Seattle and San Francisco!

More personally: Hobbies? I was a competitive dancer for my whole life until I graduated high school. I love going to concerts and music festivals, cooking, and watching old rom coms with my friends!

It was so nice to meet you, Alyssa!

Keep Fighting On!

Tuesday, September 5, 2023---Meet USC TGLA Scholar Sophie Pollack

SophieSophie Pollack, a Los Angeles native, is a Senior at USC pursuing a major in Sociology with dual minors in Forensic and Criminality and Substance Abuse Prevention. She is the founder of the grassroots organization “A Path 2 Courage.” Sophie is dedicated to raising awareness about sexual assault and domestic violence while supporting the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC). Drawing from her personal experience as a survivor, Sophie is passionate about advocating for justice against violence in communities.

Professionally, Sophie holds a position as a Residential Technician at Camden Residences, where she helps provide safe, structured, and integrative housing for individuals in need of additional support during mental health or addiction treatment. Furthermore, she serves as the Director of Youth Outreach and Engagement at The Vic James Center, a non-profit drop-in facility in Santa Monica, California. The center offers addiction resources and services to at-promise youth aged 16-25, with a mission to promote healing through innovation, access to care, and community support.

Upon graduation, Sophie aspires to pursue a Master's degree in Addiction Counseling and Co-Occurring Disorders. Her ultimate goal is to become a Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor, furthering her dedication to assisting those in need.

What a COURAGEOUS Trojan!

So nice to meet you, Sophie!

Keep Fighting On!

Tuesday, September 5, 2023---Meet USC TGLA Scholar Madeleine Lasker

7647Madeleine (Maddi) Lasker, who is from Los Angeles, “... chose USC for these exceptional music programs! I also knew as soon as I walked on the beautiful campus that I wanted to go to USC. Finally, USC has an amazing a capella network, and, having grown up singing in a cappella groups, it was my dream to be a member of The SoCal VoCals, of which I am currently the Music Director!”

Maddi is a Popular Music major at USC as a vocalist, and she is a Music Industry minor. The next question Maddi answered was, What profession will you chose after you graduate from USC? Her answer was, “After graduation, I hope to pursue careers in the music industry spanning from writing, composing, and arranging music! I plan on developing my own artistry as well as writing and arranging music for other artists!"

Another question was, Are you a member of any USC organizations? Officer? Do you attend USC cultural or athletic events? Here is Maddi’s response: "I am the Music Director of USC's premiere a cappella group The SoCal VoCals! During my time in the group, we have traveled around the country and performed at various festivals and competitions. This past year we won 2nd Place at the International Collegiate Championship of A Cappella (The ICCAs)! I have also arranged music for the VoCals, including one of our competition pieces as well as a piece we performed at the SONA Warrior Awards honoring P!nk!

More personally, Maddi answered these questions:

What is your favorite t.v. show? Some of my favorite TV shows include Friends and Big Brother!

Music? Recording artist? My favorite recording artists include U2, Keane, Coldplay, and Linkin Park!

Hobbies? I love doing yoga, practicing music, and spending time with my friends!

It is so nice meeting you, Maddi!

Keep Fighting On!

Monday, September 4, 2023---Meet USC TGLA Scholar Cicero Aschieris.

Cicero Aschieris sent me his own autobiography and answered all of my personal questions. Here is his autobiography:

7647My name is Cicero Aschieris, and I am a current senior here at USC. I feel blessed and honored to receive the USC Trojan Guild of Los Angeles Scholarship. I was raised in Pasadena, California, by my parents, both USC graduates, instilling the importance of good character and sharing your talents with others. They live that philosophy, my dad as a dedicated educator and my mom as a counselor and mentor at USC. Including my extended family, I am the fifteenth member of my family to attend USC, with my brother Anthony having graduated this past spring from the USC Marshall MBA program and my sister Sophia having graduated in the top of her class from USC in 2019 and now working for the Marshall School of Business. In all, my family couldn’t be more supportive, proud members of the Trojan Family.

As a graduate of Loyola High School in Los Angeles, I was taught how to be a man for and with others, dedicated to being open to growth, intellectually distinguished, religious, loving, committed to justice, and developing as a leader. I was devoted to my classes and campus involvement, culminating in being Student Body President my senior year and named Salutatorian of the Class of 2020. My education at Loyola could not have prepared me better for my time in college.

It is truly a dream come true to attend USC. I was born wearing the cardinal and gold and rooting for USC sports. When I was applying to college, there was no question that I wanted to join the Trojan Family. The only real question was whether I would get the opportunity. At the time, many people asked me if I wanted to consider going somewhere else further from home or out-of-state. The short answer was, "No." I had grown up a USC fan and had spent many memorable moments around campus, but I didn’t want to just be a fan anymore. I wanted to live out my own four years here as a student.

Now at USC, I am within reach of a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Politics, and Law within Dornsife and a Minor in Entrepreneurship within Marshall. Currently, I maintain a 3.8 GPA, have been selected to the Dornsife Dean’s List each semester at USC so far, and have been selected as a member of the USC Torch and Tassel Chapter of the Mortar Board Honor Society, Blackstonians Pre-Law Honor Society, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, Sigma Alpha Pi Honor Society (National Society of Leadership and Success), and Order of Omega Honor Society (leadership society for members of fraternities & sororities).

Beyond academics, I enjoy being involved on and off campus. I am the Executive Aide to the Student Body Vice President, Director of Recruitment for Society 53 (governing and programming board of the Student Alumni Society), a Dornsife Ambassador, a New Member Mentor and Casa Milagrosa Homeless Shelter Volunteer for the Caruso Catholic Center, and the past Vice President of Phi Sigma Kappa. Without a doubt I have left very few stones unturned. Upon graduation at the end of Spring Semester, I will pursue a Juris Doctorate, endeavoring to make a positive difference in the lives of others through the law.

I thank God daily that I have been given the opportunity to attend USC. None of my experiences at USC would be possible without the TGLA scholarship. The generosity and mentorship of USC alumni allows me to continue making a difference and being a man for and with others. I live my life by three mottos: “Take a Second! Make a Difference!,” “It’s Always a Great Day to Be a Trojan!,” and “I am who I am and I do what I do because of USC.”

Thank you very much to the Trojan Guild of Los Angeles. You can rest assured that your efforts will be paid forward not only during the rest of my time at USC but also in my future afterwards as a fellow USC Alumnus. Fight On!

Next, Cicero answered these personal questions that I asked him.

What is your favorite movie? Remember the Titans

Favorite T.V. Show? The Office

Favorite Music? Country music

Favorite Recording Artist? Zac Brown Band

Favorite Book? Harry Potter series

Where have you traveled? What is your favorite location? I have traveled to Italy, St. Barths, Mexico, as well as along the west and east coasts of the U.S. My favorite location was Italy, where I spent four weeks in the country on a Maymester with USC studying Italian III. I am a dual citizen of both Italy and the United States, so it was an amazing experience to live in Italy for a month and immerse myself in the culture.

Hobbies? Spending time with family and friends, going to the beach and exploring nature, going to USC sporting events, playing sports, working out, and listening to music

Thank you, Cicero! So nice to meet you!

Keep Fighting On!

Monday, September 4, 2023---Meet USC TGLA Scholar Alyssa Mirabal

Alyssa MirabalAlyssa Mirabal, who is from Torrance, is majoring in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention and is minoring in Healthcare Studies.

When asked why she chose USC, Alyssa wrote, “For as long as I can remember, attending USC had always been a dream of mine. I was captivated by the Trojan Spirit that bonded all students and alumni. The Trojan family truly solidified my adoration for the university, due to its endless support for current students and alumni.”

As for her future, after graduating from USC, Alyssa will be applying to medical school. Good luck, Alyssa!

As for campus activities, Alyssa wrote, “I am currently a member of the USC Helenes and have served as the alumnae relations chair. I am also a member of Society 53 and Trojan Health Volunteers. As a member of Helenes, we have the opportunity to attend a variety of USC sporting events. I really enjoy attending as many football games as possible because they truly encapsulate the Trojan Spirit.

Alyssa also wrote about some of her favorites.

My favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice.

My favorite TV show is Gilmore Girls.

My favorite artist is Taylor Swift.

My favorite book is Little Women.

A few of my hobbies include reading, hiking, and sewing.

So nice to meet you, Alyssa!

Keep Fighting On!

Thursday, May 11, 2023---USC TGLA Meeting at the Steven’s Steak & Seafood House

Trojan Candy arrived at the Steven’s Steak & Seafood House a little early for the final USC TGLA meeting. Everyone was still setting up. Naturally, I started taking pictures.

My first picture was of Julie Pircher, Andrea Maxie, Mary Hall, and Carol Thueson.
Next, I walked to the check-in table and took this picture. Sitting were Rosalee Pechersky, Ann Proctor, and Sandy Johnston. Standing were Andrea Maxie, Lois Booth, and Oksana Giebeler.
At the next table, Trojan Candy saw Mary Hall talking with Dorothy Conte and Nikki Dana.
Here is a new USC TGLA member Kathie Austin.
Nearby were Mary Hall and Cathy Creasia.
Cheryl Schwartz and Lois Booth stood behind Cheryl’s husband Elliott.
Sharon Schmidt sat between Julie Pircher and Julie's mom Carol Thueson.
Sitting at the check-in table were Christine Ofiesh and Ann Proctor. Standing behind them were Evelyn Wilson and Rosalee Pechersky.
It was so nice to see three long time friends, Jean Ann Holbrook, Patricia Dowling, and Mary Indenbaum.
Jeanne Niotta and Christine Ofiesh posed for Trojan Candy next.
Entering the door were Joanne Asman, Jackson Wedin, Laury DeSanctis, and Norma Cantrell.
Also at the door were Christine Ofiesh, Cathy Beyer, and Carol Fox.
Then, new member Sally Edwards posed with Carol Fox.
Edie Etmekjian and today’s guest speaker Dr. Art Bartner posed for Trojan Candy next.
Rose Brooks volunteered at the Products table.
TGLA members Biana Patterson, Diane Morgan, Sharon Wood, and Christine Ofiesh also volunteered at the Products table.
Cheryl Schwartz, Julie Pircher, Sharon Wood, and Marcia Montez were near the Products table.
Nearby, were Laury DeSanctis and Sherry De Friese who were standing behind Jackson Wedin.
Julie PIrcher posed with Diane Morgan next. Julie seems to be everywhere!
This picture was taken before the meeting started. Standing with Gary Pechersky was Dr. Art Bartner. Sitting were Sally Edwards and Carol Thueson.
Judy Lieb, who volunteered at the Products table all the time before the meeting started, smiled with fellow volunteer Rose Brooks Mitchell.

Next, Sandy Johnston called the meeting to order.

This was Sandy’s outgoing Board of Directors. Standing were Julie Pircher, Jean Getchell, Lois Booth, Sharon Wood, Diane Morgan, Nikki Dana, and Candy Yee. Seated were Carol Thueson, Terri Boyle, Judy Lieb, Andrea Maxie, Ann Proctor, Sandy Johnston and Oksana Giebeler.
Here were former USC TGLA Presidents. Sitting were Carol Thueson, Terri Boyle, Christine Ofiesh, Patricia Dowling, Mary Indenbaum, Jean Ann Holbrook, and Carol Fox. Standing were Sandy Johnston, Rosalee Pechersky, Jean Getchell, Mary Hall, and Nikki Dana.
Trojan Candy noticed our USC TGLA Scholar Jared Ellis and walked over to talk to him. Jared is the ninth person in his family who is a Trojan. After graduation, he plans to begin his career in investment banking in Los Angeles.
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[Video] Now, it was time for our guest speaker Dr. Art Bartner to speak. Vice President of Programs Oksana Giebeler introduced him in this video.
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[Videos] Trojan Candy took two videos of Dr. Bartner’s presentation.
After Dr. Bartner's presentation, I took this picture of Jeanne Niotta standing behind Christine Ofiesh and Richard Vargas of University Advancement.
Dr. Bartner sat down by Sally Edwards.
Better late than never, Wilma Pinder arrived at our meeting.
Sandy Johnston posed with two of her guests, Joanne Asman and Sue McKeever.
Patti and Dudley Poon posed with Suzanne Stillman and Rosalee Pechersky .
Nearby, Marcia Montez, Dr. Bartner, and our scholar Jared Ellis posed for Trojan Candy.
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[Video] Our Scholar Jared Ellis spoke to the members.
Now, it was time to meet our five newest USC TGLA members. Vice President Membership Ann Proctor introduced them. They were Rose Mitchell, Sally Edwards, Susan McKeever, Kathryn Shirley, and Biana Patterson.

1579Here are Ann Proctor and Sandy Johnston with all our new 2022-2023 USC TGLA members. Standing were Ann Proctor, Cathy Creasia, Dorothy Conte, Marcia Montez, Caren Edler, Edie Etmekjian, Kathie Austin, and Evelyn Wilson. Sitting were Rose Mitchell, Sally Edwards, Susan McKeever, Sandy Johnston, Kathryn Shirley, Biana Patterson, and Laury DeSanctis.

1581Here is the transfer of the Presidential gavel from Sandy Johnston to Rosalee Pechersky and Jean Getchell.

1603Meet our new 2023-2024 USC TGLA Board of Directors. Sitting were Terri Boyle, Cheryl Schwartz, Judy Lieb, Sandy Johnston, Laury DeSanctis, and Diane Morgan. Standing in the second row are Candy Yee, Kathie Austin, Julie Pircher, Lois Booth, Ann Proctor, Edie Etmekjian, Nikki Dana, Cathy Creasia, Sharon Wood, Christine Ofiesh, and Oksana Giebeler. Standing in the back were Jean Getchell and Rosalee Pechersky.