April 2018 (2) Candygrams

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Sunday, April 8, 2018---Women of Troy Basketball Banquet

Trojan Candy was a little early to the lobby of Heritage Hall for the Women's Basketball banquet. As soon as I arrived, I started taking pictures. I was seated at Table 5. Sitting with me were my sister Patti Poon, brother-in-law Dudley Poon and good friends Genaro and Lai Tan Carapia. Senior Sadie Edwards (3/25/2016) was also at our table.

Patti and Dudley Poon, Sadie Edwards and Genaro and Lai Tan Carapia
Sadie posed with Patti, Dudley, Genaro and Lai Tan.
Brandee Walton, Ja'Tavia Tapley, Candela Abejo and Sadie Edwards
Three more ladies also sat at our table. Sadie joined them in this picture. They were Administrative Assistant Brandee Walton and players Ja'Tavia Tapley and Candela Abejon (3/25/2016).
Winnie Voong and Dani Milisic
Now, Trojan Candy started walking around the lobby. At the east doors Trainer Winnie Voong hugged player Dani Milisic (3/25/2016).
Shalexxus Aaron, Asiah Jones and Kyerstin Galloway
Three players were sitting at Table 6. Shalexxus Aaron, Asiah Jones and Kyerstin Galloway smiled for me.
Becky Gramstrup and Leland Waters
I walked toward the podium on the west side of the lobby. Friends Becky Gramstrup and basketball announcer and today's Master of Ceremonies Leland Waters were there.
Mariya Moore and Aliyah Mazyck
Next, Trojan Candy walked outside to find other team members. Mariya Moore (11/5/2017) and Aliyah Mazyck (10/11/2015) posed together.
Tom and Carole Zide and Mark Trakh
Back inside Heritage Hall, I saw friends Tom and Carole Zide speaking with Head Coach Mark Trakh.
Marguerite Effa and Jordan Adams
Nearby, Trojan Candy noticed Marguerite Effa was talking with Senior Jordan Adams (3/24/2017).
Tausha and Jordan Adams
Jordan's mom Tausha came over to visit with Jordan and yours truly. Then, I took this picture of Jordan and her mom.

Marguerite EffaLuckily, Marguerite Effa, who was standing nearby, said that I could interview her. Marguerite is majoring in N.G.O.S. Non Government Organization and Social Change. She said that she came to the United States with her dad from Cameroon when she was eleven years old. Marguerite is trilingual. Her two main languages are French and English. Marguerite played soccer at first, then she started playing basketball when she was fifteen. As for a hobby, Marguerite said that it is listening to music. She likes all kinds of music. Her favorite food is Mexican food. "The Notebook" is her favorite movie, and she likes reading "Anne Frank" the most. FIGHT ON, Marguerite!

Minyon Moore, Mark Trakh and Mariya Moore
All the guests were getting seated now. Here is Coach Trakh at Table 1 sitting between sisters and teammates Minyon Moore (11/5/2017) and Mariya Moore.
Darcy Couch, Aarika Hughes, Blanche Alverson, Jason Hill, Addison Lee and Winnie Voong
At Table 7, Trojan Candy found coaches, student managers, trainers and an S.I.D. Sitting on the front row were Darcy Couch, Aarika Hughes and Blanche Alverson. Standing were Jason Hill, Addison Lee and Winnie Voong.
Donna Heinel, Ashley Ford and Dani Milisic
At the next table was Senior Associate Athletic Director Donna Heinel, Director of Operations Ashley Ford and player Dani Milisic.
Linda Rach? and Valerie, Stacey, Derrick, Ray and Keith Simon
At a front table was Kristen Simon's family. Kristen was in Chicago and missed the banquet. Sitting were "Mom" Linda, mom Valerie and sister Stacey. Standing were brother Derrick, dad Ray and brother Keith.
Melissa and Kurt Anderson
Also sitting at this table were Melissa and Kurt Anderson. Trojan Candy sees them everywhere.

Ja'Tavia TapleyLuckily, as I walked around taking pictures, Trojan Candy saw Ja'Tavia Tapley. I thought, "What a perfect time to interview her." So I did. Ja'Tavia is majoring in Communication. She started playing basketball when she was seven years old. Her hobbies are roller skating, going to the beach and going to see movies. Ja'Tavia told me that sometimes some of her teammates enjoy these three activities together. Ja'Tavia's favorite movie is "Love Jones," and her favorite television show is "Martin." Then I asked her what her favorite music is. Ja'Tavia likes "old school R&B" music the best. FIGHT ON, Ja'Tavia!

Now, it was time for the program to begin. Trojan Candy walked to stand in front of the Band Drum Major statue to get better pictures and video.

Lubbock Smith and Sadie Edwards
The team Academic Advisor Lubbock "Bubba" Smith announced the players who earned academic honors for maintaining a GPA over 3.0. They were Senior Sadie Edwards,
Lubbock Smith and Shalexxus Aaron
Freshman Shalexxus Aaron,
Lubbock Smith and Minyon Moore
and Sophomore Minyon Moore.
Aarika Hughes, Mark Trakh, Valerie Simon, Jason Glover and Blanche Alverson
Next the coaches announceed the honors that Kristen Simon earned this season. Kristen won a back-to-back selection to the All-Pac-12 Team. Aarika Hughes, Mark Trakh, Jason Glover and Blanche Alverson presented them to her mom Valerie. Congratulations, Kristen!
Aarika Hughes, Mark Trakh, Aliyah Mazyck, Jason Glover and Blanche Alverson
Aliyah Mazyck came to the podium next. Aliyah was named to the All Pac-12 Honorable Mention Team and to the All Pac-12 Defensive Team. Congratulations, Aliyah!
Aarika Hughes, Mark Trakh, Minyon Moore, Jason Glover and Blanche Alverson
Then Minyon Moore walked up next to the podium. Minyon was named to the All Pac 12 Defensive Team. Congratulations, Minyon!

Now, Coach Trahk announced the Team Awards:

Aarika Hughes, Mark Trakh, Aliyah Mazyck, Jason Glover and Blanche Alverson
Most Improved: Aliyah Mazyck. Congratulations, Aliyah!
Aarika Hughes, Mark Trakh, Valerie and Ray Simon, Jason Glover and Blanche Alverson
Most Valuable Player: Kristen Simon. Congratulations, Kristen!
Aarika Hughes, Mark Trakh, Jordan Adams, Jason Glover and Blanche Alverson
Coaches' Award: Jordan Adams. Congratulations, Jordan!
Aarika Hughes, Ja'Tavia Tapley, Sadie Edwards, Aliyah Mazyck, Shalexxus Aaron, Jordan Adams, Minyon Moore, and Mark Trakh
Assistant Coach Aarika Hughes started the Senior Salute. Four teammates told their fond memories of the three Seniors. Seniors Sadie Edwards and Jordan Adams reminisced about their unforgettable time at USC.
Season highlights
After the Awards Ceremony concluded, the entire team and audience saw a video about the 2017-2018 season highlights.
Women's basketball team
Trojan Candy asked the entire team to walk out to the Heritage Hall steps for a picture.
Mark Trakh with team
I took a second picture with Coach Trahk and the team.
Bubba Smith with team
Then a third with Academic Advisor Bubba Smith. DANI!?!
Tom Gresczyk, Tim Seno, Jordan Adams and Larry Jung
Then I walked around taking pictures of friends who attended the banquet. Tom Gresczyk, Tim Seno and Larry Jung posed with Jordan Adams.
Jessica Burnette and Tausha, Jordan and Jerrald Adams
Jessica Burnette and Tausha, Jordan and Jerrald Adams stood at the top of the Heritage Hall stairs for this picture.
Kathy and Herb Goodman, Doris and Mel Hughes and Donna Heinel
Trojan Candy saw more good friends inside. Kathy and Herb Goodman, Doris and Mel Hughes and Donna Heinel posed for me in front of the USC Drum Major statue.
Larry and Wandy Jung, Darcy Couch and Tara Quarrie
Larry and Wandy Jung, Darcy Couch (She is everywhere!) and Tara Quarrie (11/29/2015) smiled for yours truly.

Karen and Mark TanimuraMy last picture is of friends Karen and Mark Tanimura.

Mark and I agree. FIGHT ON, USC Women of Troy Basketball!